About Conscious Anti-Racism
Our Mission
We provide practical tools that help people of all identities lean into the discomfort and understand the impact of racism, so they can contribute in a meaningful way to eradicating systemic oppression and inequality. We focus on increasing resilience and emotional intelligence around race, to equip our clients with the personal skills needed to recognize and address the insidious ways that racism shows up in their organizations and in their daily lives.

Ready to take the next step for you or your organization?
Our Story
Dr. Jill's interest in Anti-Racism began in earnest after the 2016 election. She attended an Anti-Racism training called Allies in Action, led by Leslie Mac and Paige Ingram. At the retreat, Dr. Jill realized that she could use her expertise in mind-body techniques to help people process the discomfort around race and understand and confront their privilege and implicit bias. And thus, the earliest incarnation of Conscious Anti-Racism was born.
But something was missing. (Hint: it was Dr. Maiysha)

Dr. Jill and Dr. Maiysha had known each other peripherally for years, connecting through networks of women physician business owners, but they didn’t meet in-person until the week before COVID shut the world down, in early March of 2020.
Over lunch in the Toco Hills neighborhood of Atlanta, they discovered their mutual commitment to and passion for medicine, non-traditional healing methods, yoga, and social justice.
Curious about this well-intending white woman doing anti-racism work, Dr. Maiysha could sense Dr. Jill’s true commitment, but she, too, knew something was missing in the Conscious Anti-Racism curriculum: representation. Dr. Maiysha then asked Dr. Jill the question that would change both of their lives:
“Have you ever thought about inviting a Black person with expertise in this area to join you?”
Dr. Jill immediately said YES, and that she had been looking. Interestingly, in that moment, for Dr. Maiysha, it wasn’t immediately evident that this person would be her.
Dr. Maiysha’s activism had been more subtle up to this point. She had been empowering her colleagues of color that were experiencing racism, sexism, and direct and indirect forms of marginalization and othering. For her, the commitment was always to help those like her find the power in their voice and to help them to use it in a way that would open ears, hearts, and ultimately doors.
When Ahmaud Arbery, Brianna Taylor, and George Floyd were murdered in succession in 2020, Dr. Maiysha felt the immediate call to bigger action. It was around this time that she reached back out to Dr. Jill to ask how she could support her in moving forward, to which Dr. Jill’s response was to invite her into partnership in this work. Dr. Maiysha knew intuitively that this was the opportunity to make a bigger difference that she was looking for, and without a single hesitation, Dr. Maiysha said yes.
Dr. Maiysha and Dr. Jill are committed to practicing what they teach. They intentionally and mindfully work on a daily basis to co-create and cultivate a culture in their professional and personal relationship that aligns with their trauma-informed anti-oppression values.
Since coming together in 2020, Dr. Maiysha and Dr. Jill have worked with clients such as Georgia Aquarium, the Pittsburgh Business Group on Health, Yale University, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, Rush University Medical Center, University of Washington, Centene, Atkins Global, the Santa Clara Medical Society, and the National Alliance for Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions.
10% of proceeds are donated to anti-racism organizations.Our Founders
Wener MD
Wener MD
Dr. Jill Wener is passionate about helping people take responsibility for their problems and teaching them practical, easy, rewarding tools to take self-improvement to the next level. A nationally-renowned expert in physician wellness, Jill teaches and lectures at the national level about allyship, stress, meditation, and EFT/tapping.
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Maiysha Clairborne MD
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